
افضل برامج نقل الملفات يسمح لك بنقل المفات من جهازك الى سيرفر ومن سيرفر الى سيرفر

والرنامج يدعم لغات كثيرة من بينها العربيه

شرح البرنامج:-

الواجه الرئيسة للبرنامج تظهر بمجرد التشغيل:-

2- شاشة ال Ftp

الطريقة الاولى للارتباط:-

والتي نقوم من خلالها بالارتباط بالسيرفر المراد التعامل معه
ونوقوم بادخال اسم المستضيف والمستخدم وكلمة السر

الطريقة الثانية للارتباط:-

الطريقة الثالثة للارتباط انا نستخدم Creat Ftp wizard

التحميل والرفع:-

لكي نبدا استخدام البرنامج ونقل الملفات علينا ان نرتبط بموقع ال Ftp

2- للتحميل:-ثم نقوم بسحب المجلد المراد نقله من نافذة السيرفر الى نافذى ملفاتنا على اليمين

للرفع:نعمل العكس ننقل من الشاشة اليمنى الى اليسرى


3- النقل من سيرفر الى سيرفر

لكي نفعل ال FXP يجب ان نتأكد بان النافذتين Remote فان لم تكن احداهما كذلك نحولها بالضغط
على المكان الذي يشير اليه السهم


سيبدا نقل ال FXP بمجرد نقل الملفات واسقاطها ما بين احدى الشاشتين

FTPRush is a fast, reliable, powerful and easy-to-use FTP/FXP/SFTP/TFTP client for Microsoft Windows. It allows you to transfer files from local to server, server to local or server to server. It allows you to fully customize the user interface on-the-fly. It allows you to create your own scripts to do automatic jobs... It allows you to do a lot of things.

Key Features:
- Tabbed interface, multiple connections on FTP servers
- Runtime Customization and Integrated Docking of Main Interface, D.I.Y your favorite interface with Office 2000/ XP/2003 style.
- Transfer files from or to FTP servers or FXP(site to site transfers), easily drag and drop files via Explorer-like interface.
- Build-in powerful Task Manager, easily schedule your jobs.
- Multi-language support, it's easy to translate to your native language and share to others without recompile the execute file.
- Proxies support: Socks4, Socks4A, Socks5, HTTP tunnel...
you can create many proxies and switch between them by a simply 1 mouse click.
- SSL connections support: AUTH SSL, AUTH TLS, Implicit SSL
- Auto checking SFV file list when downloading, and genarate report
- Build-in multiple file rename tool, for fast renaming couple of files
- Cache FTP folders, to speed up browsing
- Transfer files with build-in SkipList and AllowList, Wildcard and Regular Expressions support.
- List and view files/directories with customized colors.
- IdentD Server support.
- Integrated Script Engine(Pascal script), you can write script for lots of FTP Events(OnLogin/OnLogout/OnFileDownloaded...), it is also easy to share your scripts to others.
- Manually Download files, it supports a increasement for file name.

Other Features:
- Build-in FTP command for Serv-U/RaidenFTPD/ioFTPD/glftpd
- Finding files at FTP server, the advanced file-find feature allows you to search files on the server, just same as you do at local drive.
- "Keep Alive" to avoide be kicked from FTP servers
- Force uploading/download with Active-Mode(PORT) if you can get maximize speed with some specially local port
- Test availability of all of your FTP servers with 1 mouse click
- Make bookmarks for FTP servers and local folders
- Export recursive directory tree of FTP servers and save it to a **** file
- Limit upload/download speed when transfering files
- You has limited account logins, no problem, you can setup Max. Total/Upload/Download logins for each FTP server
- You do need to use !username to kill ghost connection, login with SHIFT key pressed do the same thing for you
- Too hard to browse a FTP directory with lots of folders? with the MARK as BOLD and Odd/Even row background color all are so easily
- Support Adding multiple host/port to a single FTP server and switching them on the fly

Unicode Version is for WindowsNT4/2000/XP/2003 Only
ANSI Version works on Windows98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/2003

Changes in Version
[+] Add "PortableData=1" to "License" section from ftprush.ini, Load setting from current folder
[x] A bug when restore from trayicon

Homepage - http://www.ftprush.com
You can start many transfers by open a new window


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