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الموضوع: Arabs friend."GEORGE GALLOWAY"

  1. #1 Arabs friend."GEORGE GALLOWAY" 
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    The first time I saw galawi protesting against war in BBC. I liked his mustache and his Enthusiasm.

    Then, I saw him in a show on Aljazeera. His speech is like one nationalist arab citizen. one of The onlookers called and said to Galawi "im an arab citizen and i want you to be the leader of arabs league" .galawi laughed at this and said ." it’s a honor to me to be. but i think this great nation with such a rich civilization has men who can realize its dreams better than me".
    Yes Galawi we shall overcome some day, deep in our hearts we do believe
    We shall live in peace one day in Iraq in Palestine every where, in our big nation & deep in our hearts we do believe.
    and like any nationalist Arab citizen who believes in this big dream i tell you" it will be a Pride for us if you were one of us"
    المصغرات المرفقة المصغرات المرفقة gallawi.JPG‏  
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة رزاق الجزائري ; 04/10/2009 الساعة 11:18 AM
    قد تهزم الجيوش لكن لن تهزم الأفكار إذا آن أوانها
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  2. #2 رد: arabs friend."GEORGE GALLOWAY" 
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    In the first.
    who is Gerorge Galloway.
    George Galloway

    Born: 16-Aug-1954
    Birthplace: Dundee, Scotland

    Gender: Male
    Race or Ethnicity: White
    Sexual orientation: Straight
    Occupation: Government
    Nationality: Scotland
    Executive summary: MP for Bethnal Green and Bow
    Wife: Elaine Fyffe (m. 1979, div. 1999, one daughter)
    Son: (with Elaine Fyffe)
    Wife: Dr. Amireh Abu-Zayyad (m. 2000, divorce pending)

    High School: Harris Academy, Dundee, Scotland

    UK Member of Parliament Bethnal Green and Bow (2005-)
    UK Member of Parliament Glasgow Kelvin (1997-2005)
    UK Member of Parliament Glasgow Hillhead (1987-1997)
    War On Want General Secretary (1983)
    RESPECT The Unity Coalition

    Celebrity Big Brother 2006 (season four)

    Author of books:
    I'm Not The Only One (29-Apr-2004, memoir)

    more about him
    A brief biography of George Galloway

    George Galloway is the Respect Member of Parliament for the London constituency of Bethnal Green and Bow. He was first elected to Parliament for the City of Glasgow in Scotland in 1987. He has been elected five times to the House of Commons and is now one of the more senior members. For fourteen out of fifteen years he was the elected Senior Vice Chairman of the Parliamentary Labour Party's Foreign Affairs Committee. The exception was the year 1991 during the Gulf War when he was narrowly defeated.

    George Galloway was born in the Scottish city Dundee. He left school at sixteen to become a factory worker with Michelin Tyres, where he joined the Transport and General Workers Union and remains a member to this day.

    He was the youngest ever elected chairman of the Labour party in Scotland at the age of twenty–six, having become a full-time party organiser three years earlier.

    In 1983, he moved to London as the General Secretary of War on Want, the international development agency, leaving the post upon his election to parliament in 1987.

    He first became involved in the Palestinian cause in the early 1970's, regularly visiting Lebanon and becoming an activist in support of the PLO.

    In 1980, he arranged the twinning of his city, Dundee with the Palestinian town Nablus. Thus, Dundee's city hall became the first public building in any western country to fly the Palestinian flag.

    Also, in 1980 he formed the British Trades Union Friends of Palestine and became its first General Secretary.

    In 1982, he founded the Emergency Committee against the invasion of Lebanon.

    In 1990, he was one of the leading opponents of the war in the Gulf although he had never visited Iraq [the only Arab country he had never visited] and would not have been welcomed there as he was a known opponent of the Iraqi government, not least over the Iran -Iraq War.

    In 1991 he formed the Emergency Committee on Iraq and remains its chairman. The Committee renamed itself the Emergency Committee on Iraq and Palestine [ECIP] in the year 2000.

    In 1990, he was awarded Pakistan's highest civil award, the Hilal-i-Quaid-i- Azam, for services to the restoration of Democracy in Pakistan.

    In 1996, he was awarded Pakistan's second highest civil award, the Hilal-i-Pakistan, for services to the cause of the Kashmiri people.

    In 1998, he founded the Mariam Appeal named after the Iraqi child Mariam Hamza, who was brought to Britain amidst great controversy for cancer treatment. The Appeal campaigned around the issue of cancers caused by allied use of Depleted Uranium weapons in the Gulf.

    In the year 2000, he founded and is the chairman of the Great Britain - Iraq Society.

    He is a former Secretary of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Iran.

    He is also a founder member of the Cairo Conference bringing together Islamist, Nationalist and Socialist trends from around the world to work against globalization, occupation and war.

    He is a founder of the Stop the War Coalition UK and is currently its Vice-President. The Stop The War Coalition mobilized two million people to protest against the war on Iraq (the largest demonstration of people in British history).

    In 2003, George Galloway was expelled by Tony Blair from the Labour Party for his opposition to the illegal war on Iraq.

    In 2004 George Galloway founded RESPECT–The Unity Coalition, the anti-war party. Within weeks RESPECT had won the elections of June 10th in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. In 2005, he became Respect's first MP, for Bethnal Greenal & Bow.

    George currently has a show on "Talk Sport" every Saturday and Sunday.

    George Galloway is the author of “Downfall: The Ceausescus and the Romanian Revolution” 1990, “I’m Not the Only One” 2004. And he is the author of a forthcoming biography of Fidel Castro.

    He is a frequent broadcaster, author, and public speaker. He was awarded “Parliamentary Debater" of the year in 2003, by the Parliamentary Press Corps.
    قد تهزم الجيوش لكن لن تهزم الأفكار إذا آن أوانها
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  3. #3 رد: arabs friend."GEORGE GALLOWAY" 
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    some of his articles
    Condoleezza Rice’s visit

    By George Galloway - Tower Hamlets Recorder, August 2006

    I see that officials from Bush’s administration have told journalists that the US foreign secretary Condoleezza Rice was shocked by the number of angry Muslims (and non-Muslims) in former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw’s constituency in Blackburn when she made that bizarre visit there earlier this year. The visit was clearly supposed to be a love-in but backfired when large protests forced Rice to cancel planned visits to local mosques.

    It seems Rice got on the phone to Downing Street when she got back to Washington and demanded Straw’s removal because she feared he would be too subject to influence from those in his constituency opposed to the Bush/Blair foreign policy. Amazingly Straw got the order of the boot just days later.

    You would not have to be Inspector Poirot to suspect a connection between Rice’s phone call and Blair’s demotion of Straw. However it really comes to something when Bush and co not only determine Britain’s foreign policy but who the foreign secretary will be.

    Max Hastings is the former editor of the Telegraph and the Evening Standard and, believe me, no friend of the radical left. He has just reviewed a new book by a former US ambassador to Iraq Peter Galbraith, which details the utter disaster brought about by the war on Iraq and its aftermath and which calls for the immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

    Hastings finishes his review with these comments. “Galbraith believes, as many of us do, that Bush’s adventure in Iraq, with Blair’s enthusiastic and still impenitent support, has inflicted a catastrophe on western foreign policy in the Muslim world… For decades to come, while the two great statesmen [that’s Bush and Blair and heavy irony] enjoy richly upholstered retirements, the rest of us will have to live with consequences of their folly and conceit.”

    I could not agree more and it is a direct consequence of their folly and conceit that this last weekend the threat of terror attack against British citizens was raised to critical. I am one of more than 170 MPs who have signed a letter to Blair demanding he should come back from his holiday in the Caribbean to answer to parliament both for his policy of once again blindly supporting Bush over the Lebanon and over the terrorist scares in recent days. Sadly, Blair has refused and parliament is being side-lined again.

    Nonetheless, life must go on. Last week, I wrote to the Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt to demand a full and independent public enquiry into the scandal of the 100,000 X rays and scans which went unexamined at the Royal London Hospital because of a shortage of radiographers and into why the doctor who blew the whistle on this scandal was subsequently sacked. The National Health Service used to be a matter of international pride. We still have many NHS staff who work very hard for too little money, but there is no question the NHS is now in a terrible state of crisis.
    قد تهزم الجيوش لكن لن تهزم الأفكار إذا آن أوانها
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  4. #4 رد: arabs friend."GEORGE GALLOWAY" 
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    Lebanon, Castro & council secrecy

    By George Galloway - Tower Hamlets Recorder, August 2006

    I make no apology for returning to the outrages being perpetrated on the sovereign country of Lebanon. What is happening there has profound implications for everyone here in Tower Hamlets.

    But before I do so a word about the despicable Blairite little toady Councillor Marc Francis. Francis makes two substantive points in a letter to the Recorder last week. Firstly, I did not put in a petition against the horrendous proposals Crossrail has brought forward for the Bow area. True but there is a very simple reason for this. The plans were keep secret from just about everybody, including me, until it was too late. Who is responsible for this remains a matter of contention which I intend to get to the bottom of, but there is no doubt the plans for Bow were suppressed from public attention until after the election and even then there was minimum consultation.

    Secondly, he refers to my admiration for Fidel Castro. I have nothing to hide here. I do admire the achievements that Castro and Cuba have made in the face of US sanctions and attempted assassination.

    I quote from the independent journalist John Harris after his recent fact-finding visit. "We spent four days in Havana exploring a health system that emphasises preventive care, locks doctors into their local populations and is built around a simplicity from which the NHS would do well to learn. Cuba has an average life expectancy of 77.3 against the US's 77.4. The rates of infant mortality are similarly close. The respective health spends, however, underline the Cuban miracle: in the US, the annual figure per head is $5,711; in Cuba, it’s $251."

    In the week in which it has been revealed that 100,000 X-rays went unexamined at the Royal London because of staff shortages and in a borough with a lower life expectancy than Cuba, I think we have a lot to learn from Fidel Castro.

    As for Lebanon, the massacre of women and children in Qana is just the worst in a series of war crimes perpetrated by the Israeli government, with the complicity of Blair and Bush. That makes them war criminals too.

    It is also clear from the investigation that his family courageously fought for that tank commander Sergeant Steve Roberts was killed in March 2003 because Blair did not ensure British soldiers had adequate equipment. That was because he was trying to con the United Nations into supporting the war that he and Bush had decided they would wage on the poor, suffering people of Iraq. And British soldiers are still being killed needlessly in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    I understand council leader Denise Jones has expressed concerns about the events in Lebanon. But this amounts to nothing. She and her New Labour colleagues, including the lickspittle Francis, must condemn Blair for all the blood he now has on his hands. And if they don’t, it will be another sorry episode in the history of Tower Hamlets New Labour lying down for Blair and Bush.
    قد تهزم الجيوش لكن لن تهزم الأفكار إذا آن أوانها
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  5. #5 رد: arabs friend."GEORGE GALLOWAY" 
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    Demonstrate against Israel’s attack on Lebanon

    By George Galloway - Tower Hamlets Recorder, July 2006

    I trust I am not the only one who is staggered by the statistics for deaths coming out of the Lebanon and Israel. On the Lebanese side, and the figures are rising day by day, well over 400 have died, the vast majority of them civilians. The number of Hezbollah members and Lebanese army casualties runs to perhaps just over ten percent of the total casualties.

    On the Israeli side there have been something like a tenth of the deaths on the Lebanese side and the majority of those deaths have been Israeli army. This seems to me must prove that there is something very wrong in how the Israelis are conducting their attacks.

    Israel is the most heavily armed state, and the only nuclear armed state, in the Middle East. It is the biggest recipient of US military aid. It is the only state in the world that can purchase directly from US arms corporations without the oversight of the US government. It is the only state in the world that can use US military aid to purchase from non-US firms. It is the only state in the world that can use US non-military aid for arms purchases.

    The Israelis boast about their precision weapons and yet the death toll of innocent civilians, many of them women and children, at the hands of the Israelis is truly shocking. Israeli jets have also attacked a clearly marked Red Cross convoy and UN official believe they deliberately bombed and killed four unarmed UN personnel in an observation post. Yet there is not a peep of criticism of Israel from the British government. On the contrary Blair joined with Bush in disastrously vetoing the call for an immediate ceasefire and massive US bombs are now being rushed to Israel to allow them to continue the wanton destruction of Lebanon, with one of the latest shipments disgracefully using Prestwick airport in Scotland for a stopover!

    The reason for this is quite clear. The US and Britain want Israel to destroy Hezbollah as a precursor to increasing the pressure on Syria and Iran. The evidence is now well-documented that the US has battle plans ready to bomb massively Iran. But even the Israelis are beginning to doubt the wisdom of their assault on Lebanon. Hezbollah have proved much more difficult to crush than they anticipated. But this makes the situation even more dangerous as Israel may seek to save face.

    The appalling conditions in Iraq, where 100 people are now dying every day, in Lebanon, in Palestine and in Afghanistan are providing the breeding ground for terrorism. Even worse, there is the potential for a far greater and bloody conflict erupting which will destabilise the world.

    That’s why the stakes are so high in Lebanon and why all right-thinking and peace-loving people in Tower Hamlets must oppose the Israeli assault on Lebanon and demand that there should be an immediate ceasefire. You can do this in person at the emergency demonstration in Central London called by the Stop the War Coalition on Saturday 6th August.
    قد تهزم الجيوش لكن لن تهزم الأفكار إذا آن أوانها
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  6. #6 رد: arabs friend."GEORGE GALLOWAY" 
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    Hizbollah is right to fight Zionist terror

    By George Galloway - [from Socialist Worker, July 2006]

    There was a deep historical significance to taking to the streets in solidarity with the people of Lebanon and Palestine last Saturday, 22 July.

    For that day was the 60th anniversary of the bombing of the King David Hotel by the Irgun Zionist gang in Palestine as part of their campaign to create the state of Israel.

    The attack killed 92 people, most of them civilians, some 17 of whom were Jewish. It was organised by Irgun leader Menachem Begin who went on to be twice prime minister of Israel.

    His second period of office saw Israel’s “limited” 1982 invasion of southern Lebanon. It quickly became an assault on the whole country and claimed many thousands of lives.

    So when you hear commentators say the roots of the current conflict go back to the seizure of two Israeli soldiers a few weeks ago, the roots go back a lot further - they go back over decades.

    They go back before the invasion of 1982, which Hizbollah was formed to resist, and even before 1948 when Israel was founded and 750,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes.

    The aggression did not begin in 2006. It began in 1917 when an anti-Semitic British foreign secretary, Arthur Balfour, gave in the name of one people, to the Zionist leaders who claimed to represent a second people, the land belonging to a third people - the land of Palestine.

    There was a commemoration of the King David Hotel bombing last week. Those lionised at it were not the victims, but the perpetrators.

    Alongside surviving members of the Irgun, Binyamin Netanyahu, former Israeli prime minister and darling of CNN and the BBC, attended the event.

    He told journalists, “It’s very important to make the distinction between terror groups and freedom fighters, and between terror action and legitimate military action.”

    He’s exactly right. That’s why I have no hesitation in saying that Hizbollah is not and has never been a terrorist organisation. It is the legitimate national resistance movement of Lebanon.

    What the US cannot forgive is the fact that Hizbollah succeeded in driving Israel out of Lebanon in 2000 after an 18 year occupation, liberating all but the Shebaa Farms area.

    This gave it a prestige across the confessional and sectarian divides in Lebanon and across the Middle East. Central to the strategy of Israel, the US and Britain is an attempt to recreate and explode those sectarian divisions as part of this latest phase of the “war on terror”.

    It seems like only yesterday we were being told that the US and Britain had liberated the long-suffering Shia Muslims of Iraq from Sunni domination. Opposition to the occupation was supposedly just the work of Sunni die-hards and “rejectionists”.

    The occupiers have fomented sectarian division in an effort to stave off a national resistance front. Now, the same imperial powers and their local puppets are fostering a reverse sectarianism across the Middle East as they try to leave Lebanon and Hizbollah isolated in the face of Israel’s onslaught.

    We are told that yesterday’s suffering Shia of southern Iraq are now part of a sinister crescent of would-be Shia ascendancy stretching from Iran through Iraq and Syria into Lebanon.

    The puppet presidents and corrupt kings who rule the Middle East from one end to the other almost without exception are spinning the same yarn. It is all they have to say as the standing of Hizbollah among the mass of Arabs - Shia or Sunni, Muslim or Christian - soars.

    Just as all George Bush and Tony Blair have to say over the slaughter of Lebanese children is that Israel has a right to defend itself and all’s fair in the war against terrorists.

    That makes it doubly important that the anti-war movement raises its voice clearly. To be for peace means to be for the justice without which there can be no peace. To be for justice means to take sides against injustice. The invasion of Lebanon by Israel, for that’s what it is, is a monstrous injustice.

    I side with the resistance to that injustice. Hizbollah is leading that resistance. I do not hesitate to say, and Blair and his law officers may take note, that I glorify that resistance.

    I glorify the Hizbollah national resistance movement, and I glorify the leader of Hizbollah, Sheikh Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.
    قد تهزم الجيوش لكن لن تهزم الأفكار إذا آن أوانها
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  7. #7 رد: arabs friend."GEORGE GALLOWAY" 
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    Blair is Israel’s ally

    By George Galloway - from Socialist Worker, July 2006

    Imagine if Lebanon destroyed every bridge in Israel, blew up the international airport, blockaded the ports, severed every arterial road, ordered people to leave their homes and then bombed them to pieces when they did... Do you think any Western leader would utter the words “Lebanon has a right to defend itself”?

    This is the basic truth that every news bulletin seems designed to obscure. It is the reality that is enraging hundreds of millions of people across the globe as Israel launches its barbaric action against the people of Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.

    And it is not just Israel, of course. Barely commented on in the British media is the fact that it was Britain and the US that prevented the G8 summit from calling for a ceasefire.

    Tony Blair and his ministers were again instrumental on Monday in preventing the European Union from issuing a condemnation of Israel’s aggression. No one should be in any doubt why - George Bush and Blair want Israel to continue its assault on Lebanon.

    Green light

    The US state, with the craven support of Blair’s government, is giving Israel a green light. This is not because of some imagined stranglehold on Middle East policy exercised by a supposedly omnipotent Zionist lobby.

    It is because Israel is doing what it has always done - serving the interests of US imperial power in the Middle East.

    Israel is cloaking its attack in neo-con rhetoric about an axis of evil linking Iran and Syria to Hizbollah in Lebanon. Its claims are dutifully repeated by a media which never once stops to point out that the Israeli missiles and bombs raining down on Lebanon were supplied by the US.

    There is a link with Syria and Iran, but it is not the lie that Syrian and Iranian troops are in Lebanon. It is that the US has made no secret that it is preparing for an attack upon Iran, which has signed a mutual defence pact with Syria.

    Israel’s attack on Lebanon serves the purpose of a pre-emptive strike on Hizbollah, which would respond militantly to any US attack upon Iran.

    There is an axis of aggression. It links Tel Aviv and Washington, and Blair has placed London on its midpoint. But it is at that midpoint that those of us who live in Britain must strike a blow.

    By taking to the streets in mass numbers this weekend and at the mobilisation in Manchester in September, we can speed the day when Britain is detached from Bush’s “war on terror”. It is our responsibility to make a breakthrough here in the fight against imperialist subjugation.
    قد تهزم الجيوش لكن لن تهزم الأفكار إذا آن أوانها
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  8. #8 رد: arabs friend."GEORGE GALLOWAY" 
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    قد تهزم الجيوش لكن لن تهزم الأفكار إذا آن أوانها
    رد مع اقتباس  

  9. #9 رد: arabs friend."GEORGE GALLOWAY" 
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    قد تهزم الجيوش لكن لن تهزم الأفكار إذا آن أوانها
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  10. #10 رد: arabs friend."GEORGE GALLOWAY" 
    المدير العام الصورة الرمزية طارق شفيق حقي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2003
    مقالات المدونة
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    تم ارسال هذا الموضوع لجورج غلوي

    كي يعرف رصيده في الوطن العربي
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  11. #11 رد: arabs friend."GEORGE GALLOWAY" 
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    الشكر لك اخ طارق هي فكرة رائعة وقد فكرت بها بالامس و انا اعد التقرير عنه و كما ترى كانت الفكرة واحدة.
    ان شاء الله سأخصص مقالات وسير عن ناشطي حرية وسلام و اصدقاء العرب و شهداء العرب مثل راشيل كوري المشهورون و غير المشهورين.ولدي اتصالات شخصية مع بعضهم لنزهر بها باقة المربد و تكون مرجعا لاي بحث.
    قد تهزم الجيوش لكن لن تهزم الأفكار إذا آن أوانها
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  12. #12 رد: arabs friend."GEORGE GALLOWAY" 
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    his Video and audio archive & links

    Videos of George Galloway speeches, interviews, public appearances etc

    Other anti-war, anti-capitalist videos and links


    AudioGeorge's talkSPORT radio show archive

    Audio of George Galloway speeches, interviews, public appearances etc.

    Other anti-war, anti-capitalist audio and links

    Unless otherwise credited, all content on this site is © George Galloway.com
    قد تهزم الجيوش لكن لن تهزم الأفكار إذا آن أوانها
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