• لَنْ أَنْهَارْ

    نص للأستاذ خالد خريبش:
    ترجمه الشاعر عبد اللطيف غسري

    I Will Not Collapse
    By Khalid Khribich
    Translated By Abdellatif Rhesri

    I will not be shocked by modernisation
    I will not collapse
    When I am overwhelmed by fear
    I just look at the trees
    I gaze everywhere
    And my call gets responded to
    Trees give me strength
    And so do the leaves
    And flowers
    Even solid rocks give me strength
    Have not they resisted the cyclone
    And the storms made by the foes of mankind ?
    Some rocks would even burst
    Into rivers and floods
    I will not collapse
    Signs appear around me
    At times of fear
    So that my heart could calm down a bit
    As if a hand has brought me back to my senses
    So that I could get back into existence
    The signs look so clear to the smart onlooker
    The one who is purified by God
    From all trivial vanities
    And from the modern time’s mania
    My granddad advised me never to disobey God
    And to follow the divine path
    So that I will not go to hell
    I will not be shocked by modernisation
    I will not collapse
    Signs appear on the horizons
    And everywhere
    I am able to grasp birds’ words
    And the language of divine creatures
    I might seek those signs
    But I will not be shocked by modernisation
    Despite death,
    The death of sea creatures
    By the Man’s remnants
    Despite the ominous images
    Dispite the tyranny
    Of the jews
    And women’s distortion
    And the widespread nakedness
    I will not be shocked by modernisation
    And I will not collapse
    Despite the tough whip
    Whose traces are still apparent on my back
    But do not get upset
    For our ship is still going on safely


    تحياتي ومودتي
    عبد اللطيف غسري

    هذه المقالة نشرت أصلا في موضوع المنتدى : لَنْ أَنْهَارْ كتبت بواسطة خليد خريبش مشاهدة المشاركة الأصلية
    تعليقات كتابة تعليق

    اضغط هنا للدخول

    رجاء ادخل الستة أرقام أو الحروف الظاهرة في الصورة.