عماد اليونس
04/08/2009, 10:19 PM
"بستان الذكريات" قصة قصيره بقلم مصطفى البطران
بعد حوالي نصف عقد من الزمن عاد إلى بستان ذكرياته وراح يتجول في مرابعها الغابرة ويمعن النظر في وجوه كل ورداته الذابلة تأسف وكاد أن يرحل لولا نسمات عليلةهبت فأيـــــــقظت في فـــــــــؤاده عبــــق الحب
عندها عرف سر تعلقه بتـــــــلك الوردة الفواحة .
Grove of Memories
Short Story By Mustafa AlBatran
Translated by Imad Alyounis
After a half decade of time , he was back to his grove of memories. Wandering about its past gardens , looking at the faces of his dried flowers ,he felt sorry , was about to leav ,but soft breezes had come and awakened the smell of love in his heart . In that time he knew the secret of his fancy to that perfumed flower.
بعد حوالي نصف عقد من الزمن عاد إلى بستان ذكرياته وراح يتجول في مرابعها الغابرة ويمعن النظر في وجوه كل ورداته الذابلة تأسف وكاد أن يرحل لولا نسمات عليلةهبت فأيـــــــقظت في فـــــــــؤاده عبــــق الحب
عندها عرف سر تعلقه بتـــــــلك الوردة الفواحة .
Grove of Memories
Short Story By Mustafa AlBatran
Translated by Imad Alyounis
After a half decade of time , he was back to his grove of memories. Wandering about its past gardens , looking at the faces of his dried flowers ,he felt sorry , was about to leav ,but soft breezes had come and awakened the smell of love in his heart . In that time he knew the secret of his fancy to that perfumed flower.